Delhi, April 07, 2016: NCML, India’s leading player in warehousing and collateral management released the ‘India Commodity Year Book 2016’, edited by Sanjay Kaul, Ex IAS, MD and CEO, NCML. The book was released by Shobhana K. Pattanayak, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare. Sanjay Kaul, MD & CEO, NCML, Unupom Kausik, Dy. CEO, NCML, and Basant Vaid, Head – Commodity Research, NCML along with other eminent dignitaries, were present on the occasion. The 2016 Year Book focuses on commodity inflation and monetary policy, the National Agriculture Market, commodity futures market, food politics, implications of SEBI-FMC Merger on commodities market, VUCA drivers in commodity markets and weather insurance, besides commodity specific articles on pulses and cotton. The Statistical Section of the Book contains a rich commodity data base that provides information for the last 10 years together, with expectations for the current and next year.
With a wealth of data related to the commodity sector and the views of competent authors – an excellent mix of policy makers, market practitioners, academicians and experts – this book is sure to continue to be of special interest and relevance to all policy makers, researchers, analysts and commodity and finance professionals. The book will also be found useful by stakeholders in the commodity space including commodity market participants, traders, distributors, processors, importers and exporters, and all those engaged along the entire agri-value chain. Finally, the book serves the purpose of providing insights into the vast commodity space to the general reader.